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Find opportunities in a decision-making process - FRONT Leadership

The raw material of all good decision-making is good opportunities. The alternatives. Unfortunately, we all too often miss them...

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Everyone is talking about change management

Few talk about the consequences of failed change. Increased insight provides a better view, and that's especially important when...

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4 tips for better leadership communication with communication and relationship building

There is a lot of focus on human relations, empathy and emotional intelligence as keys to appropriate leadership communication....

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Distance management in practice - 6 concrete tips

Management in itself is a complex subject because it is always about people. Remote management through digital tools presents...

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Record year for digital leadership development

FRONT Leadership (formerly Leadership Weekly), started with digital leadership development back in 2015, and was perfectly...

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Leadership is the foundation of good culture

- "If all managers understood how they actually affect their employees' lives, they might make a little more effort and focus on...

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How has the pandemic changed the way we lead?

In connection with the launch of the new name, FRONT Leadership arranged a panel interview with senior executives from well-known...

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Find the right problem and create better decision-making processes

In my work with the development of decision-makers and the decision-making processes they engage in when making choices, I have...

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Leadership, change and unpredictability

"I've met many managers who are forced to think short-term. They have performance requirements and expectations aimed at them...

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Leadership development after the corona pandemic

"New technology is accelerating the revolution in leadership development, contributing to improved quality, increased...

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Effective self-management - how to succeed - FRONT Leadership

When individual employees increasingly know the most and know best, who should lead them? In the future, it will increasingly be...

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Be who you want others to be - lead by example

LEAD BY EXAMPLE There has been a lot of research and speculation about what makes a good leader. Many different theories have...

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New to the role - An incredibly good experience

As Chief Information Security Officer in Kongsberg Digital has Elisabeth Høiland is is responsible for security in the company....

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Good collaboration - how to improve - FRONT Leadership

In this article, organizational psychologist and PhD student at BI, Claus H. Jebsen, focuses on what makes collaboration...

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Become a better leader - read books on leadership - FRONT Leadership

A long-awaited vacation is just around the corner, and we finally have time to hunker down and recharge our batteries. Summer is...

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Everyone deserves a great leader!

What does it take to be a great leader? One of the main reasons people leave their jobs is because they have a bad manager. Many...

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How to get HR issues through the management team

We are experiencing a working life with an increasing pace of change and competition for talent. We face new expectations and...

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Good leadership - Does your leader have the tools needed?

If you're building a house or managing a department, you need customized tools to succeed in your job. Written by: Hege Susanne...

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Leadership in an international workplace

We all agree that good leadership involves motivating others to do their best. But to do that, we need to earn trust and respect,...

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Leadership development in the Armed Forces - The commander's responsibility

The Norwegian Armed Forces as an organization is good at leadership, which is also expected by the outside world. We train people...

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Get started with digital learning | FRONT Leadership

There are many opinions about the pandemic, but one thing is true: it didn't come at the worst possible time. Technological...

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Confidence in the leadership role creates confident employees

In Scandinavia, we thrive on flat structures, trust and little distance between the managerial role and employees. This forms a...

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Are you new to management? Here are 5 practical tips

If you're a new manager, there are big demands on you. Regardless of whether you are a manager for the first time or experience a...

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Leadership development - why is it important - FRONT Leadership

Tomorrow's companies are flexible and innovative. New technology is adopted and employees are involved in development and...

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Tips for a well-functioning management team - FRONT Leadership

In the past year, most management teams have been tested on their ability to adapt and adjust goals and priorities, help ensure...

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Interview about leadership - Line Meland - FRONT Leadership

Get better acquainted with Stine Melfald Leadership and organizational developer in FRONT Leadership Through her clear and...

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The digital leadership developer

Most workplaces are more or less digitized. We send emails instead of making phone calls, we use apps to communicate instead of...

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Pros and cons of internal vs. external leadership development

Clear, trustworthy leaders with clear goals and good communication skills are essential for building community, a strong...

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Culture built on the power of being

Our Norwegian culture is increasingly characterized by an understanding of what is sustainable, and what is sustainable....

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