The name FRONT Leadership reflects the fact that we are leading the way in helping clients get to the forefront of their industry, with the most effective leadership training programs in the field. All of our customers have come back to us wanting to give more of their leaders the opportunity to experience leadership development with us.

Solid references 

What sets FRONT Leadership apart from our competitors is the method we have developed for bringing about growth as leaders. Our leadership developers are trusted advisors, who follow up the participants closely and over time to ensure results.

We create measurable, lasting behavioral change for the benefit of the individual manager and the companies in which they lead.

Our leadership developers are not only lecturers, but they are also skilled leaders themselves, engaging participants to try harder and achieve more than they thought possible.

To ensure that we are always at the forefront with the best solutions, we invest 10% of our turnover each year in innovation and further development. We help individuals who want to increase their effectiveness and leadership skills and businesses that want to strengthen the leadership skills of their employees. As of this year, we also offer education credits (studiepoeng), through FRONT Leadership Academy and Kristiania University College.