In-house management development

"Leadership is figuring out what needs to be done, and then making people want to do it." 

Everyone deserves a great leader! Every day, we help ensure that teams large and small across the country have just that - great leaders. Every day, we create measurable, lasting behavioral change that benefits leaders, the work environment and the organization's performance.

We offer tailored in-company programs that develop and nurture your leaders - and strengthen your entire organization from the inside out. Our trainers work closely with participants over time, following them up and empowering them to achieve more than they thought possible.

Leadership development

The goal of leadership development is to make your leaders even better equipped to deliver results through others. Our leadership development program is evidence-based, practical, concrete, varied and proven effective. Read more

How the management team functions has a major impact on business performance. Not all management teams are as effective as they could be. We can help you with that. Read more

Leadership principles ensure consistent and effective leadership. We help you put leadership principles on the agenda - whether you need new ones from scratch or want to revitalize the ones you already have. Read more

Do you see signs that managers in your workplace are getting tired of their leadership roles? Or do you simply want to anticipate the wear and tear? Then our coaching and guidance is what they need. Read more

Our open programs

Onboarding program

This is the program for those who are new to the role of manager. In the program, you will gain clarity on what is expected of you and what will be your most important priorities in the first few months in your new role.

More about the Onboarding program

Experienced manager

Experienced managerLeadership development program for experienced managers who want to strengthen their leadership skills, increase efficiency and build networks.

More about Experienced leader

New as leader

For newly hired managers who need strengthened leadership skills, increased efficiency and a solid leadership network.

More about New as a leader

In-house programs

We have extensive experience in customizing programs for individual companies and working with managers at all levels, with a variety of issues and in different industries.

More about in-house programs

How we work

Front Wheel


A high-performing team performs best when the trainer is on the sideline organizing, facilitating, supporting and ensuring good teamwork. Our leadership programs are designed to give you as a leader the overview and personal insight you need.

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Leadership training must be profitable for companies. FRONT Leadership has developed a particularly effective method for training leadership skills with measurable results.

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Our leadership programs are held during the working day and are designed to be integrated seamlessly. Networking and reflection are keys to success, and we tailor all our leadership training programs to the needs of the organisation.

Live Leer

"The perfect program for busy line managers"

Live Leer, Head of Leadership & Learning at Storebrand


"Managers used to focus on the technical aspects of the job to be done, while today they place far more emphasis on creating development through others, based on trust and relationships in the team. A development I'm proud of!".

Henrik Sandberg, Training and Development Manager at PostNord

Rune Erland

"Very pleased to have finally found the solution to leadership development"

Rune Erland, HR Director at Bilfinger Industrier


"The conductor muscle needs to be trained continuously like other muscles, so this program suits us perfectly!".

Anniken Mørch Fischer, Nordic People Development Manager i SATS

Contact us for a chat

We look forward to working with you if you want to develop your own or others' leadership and use our experience for the benefit of the customer. Our team possesses a broad range of expertise and can assist in the development of incoming leaders, new leaders, experienced leaders and executive-level management teams.

Contact us