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About the leadership program Project Manager

Through the Project Manager leadership program, participants will gain increased knowledge about effective project management, as well as concrete and useful tools to strengthen the relational aspect of the team. We focus particularly on what happens in the interaction between people and on the tacit knowledge that must be trained and used in practice in order to develop.

We have an increasingly complex working life where changes in technology, framework conditions and the market are happening faster and faster. Modern society is largely driven by projects, and this requires a lot of you in a project management role.

Project management as an advantage

The way projects are managed should be a competitive advantage, both in a demanding industry and in a demanding labor market. Good project management ensures that the team delivers the expected quality of the project on time and within budget. A good project manager is good at the relational aspects that make the employees on the project perform better than they thought possible.

The project managers who participate in this leadership program are given the tools they need for both their own and the company's success. They are trained to get themselves and others to perform and collaborate in a better way so that the efficiency of the business increases. People who have previously taken this program have typically increased their productivity and reputation in their own workplace.

The training of participants takes place as an integral part of the job, which means that the business can see an immediate impact. This special type of leadership development over 12 months is effective and profitable.

Through the program, project managers quickly build a solid network with other project managers. The classes of 10-12 people can either be for project managers in the same company, for example across departments - or filled with project managers from different companies.

- A good manager is the most important tool for getting the best out of your employees.

Øyvind Tjærnes
Leadership trainer, FRONT Leadership

Professional content of the leadership program

A project manager must constantly focus on the people in the project, the budget and the time. The academic content of this program is designed to provide project managers with valuable leadership training, strengthened relational skills and a solid network of project managers to draw on.

Project managers are trained in different methods to make the whole team deliver better. The program is built on topics that project managers typically need to increase the efficiency of their projects:

  • Learning mindset and disciplined learning at work
  • Prioritization and goal setting in projects
  • Time management, meeting management and delegation
  • Coaching of colleagues and subject matter experts
  • Care & support for others
  • Feedback - giving and receiving feedback
  • Inspiring communication and influence
  • Decision-making and planned follow-up

Together, new patterns of behavior are established

Project management can be a demanding exercise, where many interests must be weighed up against each other all the time. In this leadership program, we focus on how to manage uncertainty, risk and opportunity. What works in one context may fail in another.

This leadership program helps project managers understand which method will have the best effect in different situations and with different people. Together we establish new patterns of behavior and better practices - for the benefit of the organization in which the participant is a project manager.

Valuable leadership training with immediate impact

As a participant in this management program, you will be given concrete tools for good project management and the opportunity to immediately apply what you have learned in your own management job. In this way, you will receive valuable training along the way, so that the new knowledge becomes habitual. In this way, the leadership program will contribute to better project management quickly.

The program is suitable for project managers who

  • Have extensive project management experience or are new to project management
  • Responsible for delivering on large and complex projects involving many people
  • Want a solid network of project managers
  • Want to drive effective project management within time and budget

Practical implementation:


Why Front

A high-performing team performs best when the coach is on the sidelines to organize, facilitate, support and ensure good team interaction. Our leadership programs are designed to give you as a leader the overview and personal insight you need.

Read more about leadership development
Front Wheel


Leadership training must be profitable for companies. FRONT Leadership has developed a particularly effective method for training leadership skills with measurable results.

Read more about our methodology
layer 1


Our leadership programs are held during the working day and are designed to be integrated seamlessly. Networking and reflection are keys to success, and we tailor all our leadership training programs to the needs of the organisation.

Read more about implementation

Who we are

Our leadership programs

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